Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Does this guy like me..?

so, theres this guy i kinda liken now and hes my neighbor!! heheh. but idk if he likes me..i mean weve have hung oout the past few weeks and ive been to his house and hes been to mine and like he was swinging me on the swing and stuff..and i was like look at that woman she looks frumpy and he was like so do u! and i gave him a look and he was like im just kidding! can i know if hes in to me..? like any signs?!! (:

24 Gold Coins.......?

I think you are trying to say Time is gold and 24 gold means 24 hour. But because I cant speak english very well, so I can't explain it correctly.

Are brits treated better than israelis in the USA ?

when a brit comes to the USA , people tell him how much they love his country and how proud they are to be thier allies . but when israeli comes all he gets is "I dont like what you do to the palestinians but I dont blame you . I just dislike your country" cuz thats what most americans think . they have a sympathy for the palestinians and therefor dislike israel . so , should I as an israeli go there ? or should I go to a different country cuz brits get a better treatment in the USA ?

Severe fear of people and I don't know what to do anymore?

Ok so I have a severe and crippling fear of people. I don't ever leave the house except when I am forced to by my parents. I honestly don't know whats wrong with me. I've been to multiple therapists who assume I have Social Phobia but I don't think I do. My problem isn't really with talking to people its with being around them. If I am around other people or even just one person I have really bad panic attacks. If I'm sitting in the car in a parking lot and I see someone walk by I have a panic attack. They don't even have to be near the car. Even if I don't see the people but I know someone is there like in another room I have panic attacks. I can't talk on the phone for the same reasons. While currently writing this I'm starting to feel the beginning effects of panic attacks. I could just be sitting at home but if I even think about something involving human contact I freak out. I'm at the end of my rope with what to do. While I've gone to therapy I can never last more than 4 sessions before I can't force myself to endure the fear any longer. Every time I go it gets harder not easier. So I can't go to therapy. I'm miserable and it sucks. I can't get a job for the obvious reasons and I can't move out. I'm 20 soon to be 21 and still living with my parents but I need to get out of here but I don't know how. I have no way to make money. While being with my family when around others used to make me a little more comfortable, now Its getting to the point where I don't want to be around my family because I'm becoming more uncomfortable. I don't know whats wrong with me or what to do but I need help and don't know how to get it. So if you can offer suggestions I would seriously appreciate it. I just can't take this and the constant fear anymore.

Please help me write a poetry ?

Around the world ,even here in the united states, environmental devastation is often felt most by the poorest people . Environmental justice is the fair treatment of people of all races ,cultures,incomes and educational levels with respect to the creation and enforcement of environmental laws and policies. Are there things we can all do to help create a just environment ? What does environmental injustice say about us ?

Theists: God like experiences? [Interesting information for atheists too]?

Your talking to people who think that evolution is false, even though you can go to the National History Museum and see the skulls of the apes that lead up to humans. I don't think that your science will sway their faith.

Please I need advice...?

Since I was a child, I never wanted to be a girl. In fact for many years, I thought that I could choose to grow up to be a man. As time went on I guess I realized I was a female and that's just how life would be. However, throughout my preteen and teenage years, I never stopped imagining my life as a male. I couldn't stand being female. I didn't really tell my friends, or anyone. I thought that my feelings would change if I got a boyfriend, which I did when I entered high school. I eventually found out about people who were living their lives as the opposite gender they were born as. I considered this, but I knew it would be devastating to my family. Although I wasn't content with the relationship with my boyfriend ( I felt I wouldn't be content with any relationship if I were female), I have continued to stay with him to this day, to try to ignore my feelings. I did once or twice express my feelings to my boyfriend, but he always brushed it off as if it was just me having weird thoughts. Now I am a senior in college. There has not been one day that I don't feel miserable over what I am. Every night I take a walk to think things over and consider what I want. If I didn't do this, I don't think I could endure another day. I finally decided to stay as I am to please those around me. However, since I've made this decision, I feel even more depressed. I feel like my mind and body don't match up and I'd rather just die than keep living like this. This is miserable and I feel selfish for wanting to be a male. I feel like a horrible child to my parents, I feel like a horrible sibling, and a horrible friend, even though none of them know. So, this is selfish of me, right? To want this? I should push through and be happy for them, right?

Severe Fear of People and I don't know what to do?

Ok so I have a severe and crippling fear of people. I don't ever leave the house except when I am forced to by my parents. I honestly don't know whats wrong with me. I've been to multiple therapists who assume I have Social Phobia but I don't think I do. My problem isn't really with talking to people its with being around them. If I am around other people or even just one person I have really bad panic attacks. If I'm sitting in the car in a parking lot and I see someone walk by I have a panic attack. They don't even have to be near the car. Even if I don't see the people but I know someone is there like in another room I have panic attacks. I can't talk on the phone for the same reasons. While currently writing this I'm starting to feel the beginning effects of panic attacks. I could just be sitting at home but if I even think about something involving human contact I freak out. I'm at the end of my rope with what to do. While I've gone to therapy I can never last more than 4 sessions before I can't force myself to endure the fear any longer. Every time I go it gets harder not easier. So I can't go to therapy. I'm miserable and it sucks. I can't get a job for the obvious reasons and I can't move out. I'm 20 soon to be 21 and still living with my parents but I need to get out of here but I don't know how. I have no way to make money. While being with my family when around others used to make me a little more comfortable, now Its getting to the point where I don't want to be around my family because I'm becoming more uncomfortable. I don't know whats wrong with me or what to do but I need help and don't know how to get it. So if you can offer suggestions I would seriously appreciate it. I just can't take this and the constant fear anymore.

I am feeling pain and burning after treatment of a wicked doctor. what should i do?

I am 14 years old and i am going to be stage of puberty. In my family i has two older sisters including parents. we would live in a small town of orrisa in east India. for last one months i has a itching in my thighs and near my genitals. so i would itching many times. but after some days it was spread near my genitals. and due to this I felt sensetation in there .so i was itching my there. many a time my sisters saw that i was rubbing and itching ,even some time in front them due to itching. One day they complained to my mom about this. and mom warned me to not do so. I told him that i was not doing all this deliberately. next day mom saw this again that i was itching in my privates. Mom got angry and said that in evening, she would took me to doctor for treatment. at evening my mom and both sister were going to local market so mom called me to come with her so she could took me to doctor. the town was very small and there were not good doctors in town .mom used to go a doctor whom i did not like because he did not have any medical degree and he also do same chant and magic to cure patients but i could not said to them, as he was favorite doctor of my mom . When we reached to doctor, there were other peoples mostly women’s and children’s. Mom told him about that for few weeks i am itching my genitals. The doctor asked me to remove my clothes for check for any disease. i pulled down my pants, but i did not want to strip completely in front mom and sisters and there was not any curtain in that clinic. so i complained to doctor that you should have curtain in your clinic and a separate room for. but while i was saying this to him suddenly doctor pulled down my undergarments up to my knees, and exposed my genitals to everyone’s. i was so shocked at what the doctor did. but he was not seemed worried, he pushed me to a bench, he made me lied on that bench and he took-off my underwear by pulling it out and he held my legs and spread it apart for watching for any disease. he did this all so quickly that i was completely baffled and feared. . After checking he told my mom that i had not any disease. even not any sign of itching. and either i was doing this deliberately or some bad spirits are troubling me .hearing this from doctor mom got angry and her face turned red. than suddenly doctor said to mom, you need not to bother, he would be going to give a such treatment that i would become fine very soon. by saying this he took some water from a pot . and a assistant of him had held my both hands behind. He poured some water on my penis and started chanting some words. suddenly he grabbed my penis in his hand and yanked it brutally. He again poured some water on it and again yanked it. He did to me many time and it was causing pain but one of his assistant had held my hands until last. After that he left me and gave some water. when i came out from clinic my face was burning red due to embarrassment and humiliation. and it was causing extreme pain in my penis it was not only paining but also burning there. Whole way back to home from clinic my sisters were teasing me by asking me, how is your penis? Is it itching? Or is it feeling pain? Since when I came from clinic I am feeling continuous pain and burning and it is also difficult to urinate. I told mother so she asked me to apply holly water and also drink this. But it is still causing problem. What should I do ?

Is there such thing as internal bruising inside your stomach?

If someone was hit severely on the tummy area, what problems could this cause/what's the treatment? Thanks

Is this weird behaviour for a grown man? Mental illness or consequences of brainwashing?

Your friend is about as paranoid and superstitious as they come. There are no curses on either of you, throwing rice and playing with water do not give you good luck. This is not a result of brainwashing, it's a result of simple gullibility. Plenty of people do this, whether they believe in a God or not.

Can scientists become astronauts?

which countries? ...i want to become an astronaut. i am preparing for isat exam ( entrance exam for undergradute programs in iist on completion of which students are absorbed in isro) but india in its 1st manned mission (2015) is selecting only indian air force pilots. the reason for choosing vyomanauts ( indian word for astronaut) from the pool of IAF fighter pilots is that they are already trained to endure high gravity forces. This makes it easier to train them for space missions. i guess nasa does send scientists in space. do u see india doing the same in future? any other way i can become an astronaut? go for nasa? i'll feel betrayal for my country if i go there

Pinworm Treatment...?

Buy a single adult dose of de-worming tablet. Take it once a month for a few months. Stop eating food outside. Have food at home. Wash your hands with soap and water before every meal. Stay away from animals for sometime.

Why does religion and worship songs always put people down (liken then to dirt ect)?

We are broken, fallen sinners. God is a just, holy God. God hates the sin we've committed, but he loves us. The punishment of sin is death because a holy God can't be with unholy people. He sent us Jesus to save us from our brokenness so that we can spend eternity with him. God has every right to destroy all sinners (everyone) right this very moment, but he doesn't. We are like dirt compared to our awesome God, but he still loves. God hates sin, but he doesn't hate you.

Should I dye my hair?

Ok so I have really light blonde hair. It is not this color naturally I dye it. I like the color but if i do not keep the roots up to date it looks really bad. I have to dye my roots like every 3 weeks or it just looks awful. Right now its summer and I have been swimming a lot and since its dyed it obviously turns green. Even though I use all of the special shampoos to take out chlorine and do all of the treatments. Its beginning to be too much work. I was thinking of dying my hair a dark auburn color but I am afraid that it wont look very good on me and I will ruin my hair trying to get it back to blonde. I need opinions should I dye it or should I keep it? I have blue eyes and a light/medium complexion. Sorry for this being so long. Thanks for the help

Will the internet readers in this forum still consider the OUTRAGEOUS salaries the baseball players make ...?

I think you are concerned about nothing you jut need to relax and enjoy the game you love to watch.. why bring that political crap into it.. leave that to the owners.. your job is to watch and enjoy

I have the flu (influenza).. anyone got any out of the ordinary remedies?

Benidril will help stop any running nose or sneezing that will keep you up, but mostly keep hydrated, and i mean like as many drinks you can fit into an hour! Mostly I would do chamomile tea with excessive honey and orange juice. huddle under blankets even if your sweating to break your fever and keep your doc updated cause this could very easily turn into walking amona and based on the time of year and your symptoms i would guess you have swine flu. I get it like every year about the time of fourth of july though, so i don't think you'll die. =p feel better!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Would Guitar Center accept this?

My batter head on my bass drum broke the other day and I need a replacement by tomorrow. I have no cash for a replacement, as it will run me at least $35 and I am broke. I have a black epiphone les paul special II that has endured extremely light use and is in great condition. I purchased it from Guitar Center about a year ago and don't use it much. Is it possible that I could trade my guitar in and then use store credit in order to buy a decent bass head and maybe a $5 remo kick pad as well? The guitar runs for about $170 on their website, so i'm sure i'd be able to get at least $50 in store credit. Please help!

How weird is it that I got depressed so much after thinking that I don't have a twin and won't have a clone?

I was quite a sane person until I read your question. Now I feel bewildered and confused so I'm going to have a lay down for a while.........................

Who can you liken Spearing with the players in your squad?

Spearing reminds me of Fletcher.And mind you,Fletcher was also one of our youth team players and has served the club for nearly 10 years.

Nursing: Associates + Bridge to BSN, or straight BSN, preferential treatment?

If I go to a community college and get my associates degree in nursing, then do an *online* bridge program to get the BSN later on, will I have lower status in the nursing field as far as employment than someone who got their bachelor's straight away at a local campus?

Can the symptoms of thrush go away without treatment?

Lately I had been taking antibiotics and I was almost certain that I have gotten thrush because of it. However, in the past few days the symptoms have gone away. Do I still need to treat it? I heard that thrush doesn't go away without treatment, but it seems to be gone.


Have you ever confronted yourself? Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and asked yourself why are you doing this things to yourself? It might work, it brings people back to reality. Most of these things are in your mind and you have the power to stop it. I hope you get better soon. Good Luck!

SSI Representative PAYEE -- Help!?

The first "option" you need to decide is whether you want to remain with this person at all. THEN worry about whether you want to remain his Representative Payee.

Why does Jesus love us?

He has made a choice, an act of will to love us, there is no good in us for Him to have made such a choice, it is simply due to the fact that God is love. The Bible tells us that while we were yet sinners, He loved us and gave Himself for us.

How do I deal with an anorexic girlfriend?

I started talking to this girl almost a year ago, and began dating her a couple months after that. The relationship went well, although I noticed some little quirks about her, like calling herself fat when she wasn't (and isn't). She also didn't eat much. The all of the sudden, she dumped me. Out of the blue, with little explanation. Well a couple months go by and we had talked but hadn't seen each other since the breakup. She calls me one night and tells me she's been in a treatment center for you guessed it: anorexia. We started dating again a month after that, and she just recently finished her stay at the treatment center and I'm very proud of her. I'm just kinda worried for her because I never want to see her live her life like how she was living it with anorexia. I've heard that relapse is likely, and I'm looking for some tips on the things I can do to help her out. I love this girl and seeing her relapse would be terrible. Anorexia led to our breakup the first time, I don't want there to be a second.

Fight, school hates me?

If it were me, I wouldnt feel bad. Yea the kids may be bothering you now, but it's summer, most of them will forget and move on by next year.

My best friend is depressed and suicidal, how do I help her?

My best friend from high school is really scaring me and I don't know what to do. I don't want to lose her :( Back in high school she seemed so happy but a relationship gone horribly wrong has left her depressed and unable to trust anymore. She is clinically depressed and bi-polar I think and does take medication. her parents are...fowl, they constantly put her down and the whole family seems to treat her like crap. They forced her to drop out and she had a 4.0 gpa right now she's been going to school and seeing someone else but things have been getting worse. For a while I lost contact with her and during that time she cut herself up several times. She's told me things like how she hates society and would rather be alone and that she can't trust anyone and when i told her I loved her and cared about her and that I wish she wouldn't say things like that she said she couldn't believe she was afraid to be hurt again. Over the past couple days a lot of things have happened and once she tried to get help and when she told the doc (at a drug abuse clinic because the other one was closed) her mom went and said she was lying so the doctor didn't believe her when she said she was suicidal and they just gave her more meds when the other people there could see she wasn't joking. I told her to be strong that things would get better when she was able to get away from home but she said she'd kill herself before that happened and told me how her wrists are screaming for her to just end it all that nothing's worth living anymore and she'd rather be dead than put up with the crap from her parents anymore. I've tried everything and it seems to get me no where, I don't want to suggest she get help because it may make her mad. I don't live near her and cant get to her because I don't have a car but i'm scared for her she used to be so happy in high school and now after all the trauma she's endured (some of which can't be named) she's gone downhill and i'm afraid she's quite serious when she says she's going to kill herself soon. what can I do?

Is Voice Recording Legal In This Case?

You don't have to say anything if you record in a meeting where they are physically present, in most states.

Treatment to get Pregnant?

hun i searched for clomid and all i cud c is that its not very helpfull as my personal view.. but im on letrozole and i think its good..its my 1st cycle and i hope it worked as i hear good stories abt irregular my doc gave me letrozole from day 2 of my cycle for 6 days ...twice a day..and then for having a regular period i took duphaston so that i wont hav period on time if im not pregnant..i doesnot harm baby ..

My 3 year old is getting his front teeth pulled in 1 week help!?

my son has had asthma since he was born and been on a nebalizer sinc 8 months old they rotted his teeth in the front(wanst told to wash his mouth out after each treatment until it was to late) AND HE is on other medications that just plain isnt good for teeth well he has a baby root canel and has porclin teeth put in and the ablity of the root canel working is very slim compared to a adult root canel its been 3 months and he still has infection and was told to remove his 2 front teeth it was hard making it threw the baby root canel and alot os $$$ as well the 1000.00 porclin teeth now have to be pulled and more money. but my main concern is the pain im scared for him he is getting the loopy drink and he was soooooo tramatized threw the root canel and i wasnt allowed in the room. im scared he will be made fun of for his front teeth appernce. and scared he will be in pain and be confused im not sure what to think. but his appointment is for 7./12/11 and he has to have it done or it will effect his other teeth im very bad at worrie everything little turns in to death to me please help me claim downplease n thanks and how did u child react to this?

Who is this Prophet liken unto Moses, Commanded to speak only the words of God?

Deuteronomy:18:15-22 Says if this prophet speaks a word that God didn't tell Him to speak, He would die.He also was like a Brethren. Could this Prophet be the Lord thy God and be liken unto Moses?

Why do racists not like being called racist?

It's ridiculous how many people on the internet spew such obvious hatred towards other races, it's ridiculous. Likening them to animals and such while defending their "beliefs" to no end. Yet, they dislike being called a racist. How does that make sense?

I've asked before, but the situation has taking a new turn, I need help from someone who's dealt with this?

I'll be praying. Have faith is most all I can say. I can't quite gather if you're Christian or not but if you're not God always can help and will always be there for you. She may be mad at you now but she's probably just mad at the world in general... Try apologizing or saying you were trying to be kind and caring like she always is for you and her friends. Make sure she knows that you want her here with you. Make sure she knows their are others who love her and don't want her to leave.

Severe Fear of People and I don't know what to do?

Ok so I have a severe and crippling fear of people. I don't ever leave the house except when I am forced to by my parents. I honestly don't know whats wrong with me. I've been to multiple therapists who assume I have Social Phobia but I don't think I do. My problem isn't really with talking to people its with being around them. If I am around other people or even just one person I have really bad panic attacks. If I'm sitting in the car in a parking lot and I see someone walk by I have a panic attack. They don't even have to be near the car. Even if I don't see the people but I know someone is there like in another room I have panic attacks. I can't talk on the phone for the same reasons. While currently writing this I'm starting to feel the beginning effects of panic attacks. I could just be sitting at home but if I even think about something involving human contact I freak out. I'm at the end of my rope with what to do. While I've gone to therapy I can never last more than 4 sessions before I can't force myself to endure the fear any longer. Every time I go it gets harder not easier. So I can't go to therapy. I'm miserable and it sucks. I can't get a job for the obvious reasons and I can't move out. I'm 20 soon to be 21 and still living with my parents but I need to get out of here but I don't know how. I have no way to make money. While being with my family when around others used to make me a little more comfortable, now Its getting to the point where I don't want to be around my family because I'm becoming more uncomfortable. I don't know whats wrong with me or what to do but I need help and don't know how to get it. So if you can offer suggestions I would seriously appreciate it. I just can't take this and the constant fear anymore.

Has anyone used Udo's oil on their hair?

I know they say that it should be taken internally,but I'm curious if anyone has had great result's applying it directly to their.If so I would consider buying a 32 ounce to take by mouth, and a 17 oz to use for hair treatment.I await your answers :3

I need a song about forgetting someone who doesnt like me..?

The Airborne Toxic Event's entire self-titled first album is about struggling with love & someone not loving you back, almost all of those songs are incredibly fitting. "Jar of Hearts" by Christina Perri is somewhat fitting, but also cliche. Another cliche one is "You're Beautiful" or "Goodbye my Lover" by James Blunt; details-wise, those might not fit, but the overall theme fits. "Over You" by Daughtry is empowering (: good luck with everything!

Damon braces vs traditional braces?

I'm supposed to be getting braces soon and I need to decide between two orthodontists, both offering around the same price. The first orthodontist insisted on getting Damon braces, which are supposedly faster, smaller, and more comfortable. They said it should only take up to 18 months and I shouldn't need to extract any teeth. The second orthodontist only used traditional braces and said it should take about 2 1/2 years, with the extraction of 4 teeth (to fix my chin). Generally the treatments were mostly the same (fix cross-bite, fix crowding, align teeth, etc...), except for the extractions. They definitely had their different perspectives and methods of diagnosis. And honestly, the second orthodontist actually charged slightly more than the first. So can anyone help me decide which one is better? Thanks!

Is complicated !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

kk so i had a bf then i broke up like a forin kid he was a jerk had a few bfs sins then i like 2 forin kids weel 3 cuz i think i star liken the jerk plz help what do i do me and that kid can tolerate each other at times but we kida hate each ohter but love at the samme time

Wife's DIY feminine healthcare is destorying our marriage.?

Poosy tastes like garlic? Is she trying to ward off vampires? this woman is looking at an infection later when she has rotting food in her privates. I can understand dhewing mint leaves, but the others are disgusting.

Is being foolish almost a sin instead of being wise? The 5 foolish virgins were locked out and did not make it?

Wise and foolish are defined by God. Solomon spends the first seven chapters of Proverbs telling us that if we are wise we listen to God and we are fools if we say God does not exist.

Monday, July 18, 2011

How in the world do they do it?

I see Lil kim, Beyonce and several other African American celebs bleaching their skin permanently. I don't want to bleach my skin but I've always wondered how in the world do you go from being black to super-massive light skin?! Are they taking pills, going through treatments?? It's just a question.

How are the Jews shaped as a people by their immense suffering they had endured in the past?

Although their people have been through a lot of tough times, they seem to be very social people. They rely off of each other and their communities to deal with the good and the bad.

Critique this poem pleas? (warning it's about God)?

I can see from your poem you love God, Am I right ? ... this is a power poem all I can say to you my Friend is .. Praise God he is life ..I admire anyone who says ...Nay , that's really good

What is the back of a laptop is ( where the brand is) and can it be replaced?

I accidentally scratched the back of my sister's laptop screen (not the actual screen, but liken the back of a laptop, usually where the brand name or symbol is. I was wondering if there are any replacements for this kind of things, or way to fix it. Her computer is a toshiba. Thanks for all the help.

Cough for 15 days and Throat Inflammation?

I had cough and inflamed throat for 15 days. The pulmonologist suggested that i have BV asthma and some A. Rhiu ... (I can't figure out on prescription what he wrote ... he said its kind of allergy). He prescribed me continuous treatment of Foster inhaler with spacer for 30 days and aerolin whenever i feel burden on my chest and Nasarin nasal spray. I was kind of afraid of using inhalers because someone told me that one gets used to it if they have steroids. I would prefer an oral treatment more than inhaled therapy but was confused as doctor said that it is more effective and its even basic than oral treatment. I want to take another opinion of you guys whether I should start taking these drugs as I have very mild dust allergy caused by change of atomosphere. The place I live right now had three dust storms after which i started to feel these symptoms. Also please guide if these inhalers are fine or they contain any steroids or would i get used to them and will need them all the time. Let me know if you guys need any other information ....

Is this a fair comparison?

I think you have much to think about. Did you know that only 10% of those Muslims are radicals, they are following people who miss interpret the Koran, even the Koran does not say to go killing people, the ones who are being controlled are illiterate,

I am a prisoner in my boyfriends home with no family, his mom forces power over us what do i do?

My boyfriends mom hates me because she has an unhealthy attatchment to him. She looks at him as her husband and he goes along with they dont have a sexual relationship but emotional yes...stronger than anything ive ever seen. She is so mean to me she forces me to be out of the house all day on my days off and ride along with my boyfriend...who is a window washer ...all day at work. She has been stealng from him since he was young and continues to steal from us and go through all of our things. I caught her on video breaking into our room multiple times and she found my camera and destroyes it...She has so much power over my boyfriend that he wont stand up for me he lets her walk all over me and still comes home every night and talks to her like every thing is fine he tells her everything before she even asks and goes above and beyond for her no mater what....there has been many other factors affecting my life like the loss of my family due to my past addiction of which i have been sober for 2 years....they held a grudge and I am still trying to get them back but at this time i have nothing and no one no where to turn. Life seems meaningless it hurts worse everyday nowing that if I say anything about the torture I am enduring here He gets mad at me says im bitching hes sick of my whining im crazy i make him nuts im disgusting

What was the Cataracts treatment like in the 1900's? PLEASE HELP! 20 points to bestanswer?

I have to compare the treatment of cataracts in the early 1900s with todays treatment. But I cant find anything about it on the internet. Please leave an answer, thanks

Are people who liken our debt to household or company debt just showcasing their ignorance?

This may be news to all the home schoolers who got their degree from Glenn Beck U, but the USA is not a household or a company it is a COUNTRY and has DEBT issues that are entirely different. The debt analogies are completely useless.

Getting over my Ex girlfriend !! (Serious Answers)?

So me and my Ex had been together for 2 and a half years. Throughout all our relationship, She's been the one doing everything to me. She claimed to stop 'loving' me. She cheated on me, all the bad stuff that I guess can happen in a relationship....I"m afraid to take the next step because I still deeply love my Ex. Even when my she talks to other guys I get REALLY jealous. I know it's not good cause we're no longer together but I can't d son was only a month old, she broke up with me saying she didn't "love" me anymore...and we haven't been together since then.. We're still not together but I still give her money to support our child. I know this isn't all much relevant but I've always loved her and always told her till this day but she's never felt that way with me ever since we broke up. The breakup occurred back in January of 2009 and the way I felt about her hasn't changed since then. Don't get me wrong, I've talked with a few girls within that time period but it never fails at the end of the day it's my Ex that's always on my mind. Even when I try to move on and I'm talking to somebody else in which it could spark up a brand new relationship...I'm afraid to take it to the next level cause at the end of the day, I still love and feel for my my Ex-girlfriend. She's even called me her 'Security Blanket' to be their for her until the the next guy is available to give her attention then that's when her attitude changes around me and as much as I hate it that it's true cause I'm the dummy who falls for it all the time. Their have been times when she's came over and we've cuddled a little bit in my bed watching a movie and I'd always think to myself "This is how I want it." ...You know, having that feeling where you feel whole and complete. When she talks to other guys, I get REALLY jealous...I know it's not good and I shouldn't be getting mad but I can't help it. Sometimes I tell myself that the girl I once loved and new is 'Dead inside' and that what she's become now is just a girl who's a spitting image of who I love but it's not really her. The only innocent one is my little son. I've always wished we could've been a family together but that was thrown out the window. Trust me I've heard it all from "You need to move on" to "You need to get with someone" but it just doesn't faze me at all cause I still deeply love her and would do just about anything for her at the end of the day. How can I move on? I'm literally losing my mind right now. The girl I once knew is gone and that' something I gotta accept. But how? I REALLY want this misery to end cause I've been enduring it for years !!That's where I turn to you guys....What can I do or what DO I do? Honest Answers PLEASE !!

Looking for author who wrote:?

man thirsts more for glory than virtue. Armor for an enemy, a torn helmet, a flag ripped from a conquered ship, these treasures were valued beyond all humanly riches. To obtain these tokens of glory, generals, be they roman, Greek, or barbarian would brave thousands of perils and endure a thousand exertions...

Can anyone help me write a treatment plan and progress notes?

I am a student in a counseling program for substance abuse. I have been offered a job in a methadone clinic. The problem is, I don't know how to write a treatment plan and progress notes for a methadone clinic. I need an example. I have been doing research to learn and I haven't completely got it yet. Can someone help me?

This is my last points please help me!(short)?

Well I think he likes you and you should tell him strait up that, if he does, then he needs to do something about it, and if he doesn't, then tell him to stop flirting because its leading you on.. or have one of your friends tell himm that

Is this girl making fun of me?

Yes poppit! she is being a b* advise to you is wait until you are standing in a large group of people..and when she says it again....just say loudly "hey (insert her name here) should have gone to specsavers"... I may look russian...but at least I don't look like a ****!" lol...good luck...let me know how you got on... :o)

Very strange rash. PLEASE HELP!!!?

I have a strange looking rash on the top of my foot. 3 years ago a spot appeared on the top of my foot that looked like a ringworm. I treated it as such but it never went away. Instead it turned into a bunch of little bumps under my skin. It has not color and does not itch. In addtion to the bumps there are also two red spoltches that are above the skin. I have tried ringworm treatment and tea tree oil and those seem to worsen it. Any help to figure out what this really is would be appreciated.

All Theists: Do children have the right to choose his/her own religion upon reaching legal age?

Suppose the religion of parents were correct, the child may not be saved because he didn't actually believed what his/her parents believed- he was just forced to follow them. But what if their religion was wrong? Then it will be likened to a kidnapped in hell case.

How exactly do I send a letter to a friend in the hospital?

Apparently, one of my best friends was admitted to the hospital (Parkview) even though I didn't know about it. She had sent me a letter from the hospital, however I don't know what room or anything she is in. And she is in treatment according to her letter, but again I don't know what sort of treatment. It explains why I hadn't heard from her in a couple weeks. So I ask: What method of delivery do I send a letter back to her at the hospital? Any bit of information will be useful. Thank you.

What should i do? what would u do if this happend to you?

if a guy kept starrin at u @ a party and then u seen him at da mall a month later and then u go up to him and ask for his # and he gives it to u!!! then u start txtin him and then four days later he texts u sayin he hass a gf and hes been with her for 2 weeks and he was txtin u sayin ur pretty send me pics of u and u hella started liken him?.

Chick damn near ruined the cruise should I feel this furious?

I am a single female that wanted to be free from all the madness and have fun like a girls get away. I admit I don't have a lot of close friends and I met another female around my age range from a website last year in which the host of the webcast show throw annual cruises. We came up with the idea of going together, so for 8mths we formed a friendship, we text, skype, ovvo talk on the phone every form of communication you can think of! This past weekend was the actual cruise we met finally face to face the day before the cruise because I was staying at a hotel near the port..when she saw me face to face she looked at me as if she saw a ghost, she didn't act real friendly like she did online..especially once we boarded the cruise. She would talk down to me like I was stupid, did her own thing most of the time on the boat with no desire to hang with me, barely spoke to me, had all these mood swings for nothing and she wasn't on her period..sometime I would speak to her and she just wouldn't talk to me like wth? She didn't party too tough on the boat and when we finally got into the Bahamas we went to the beach then to Atlantis she had a serious fit that we had to pay 11 bucks to get back to the boat spot..her money was slightly tight..but she was pouting so hard I asked if she was alright she just wouldn't talk to me for nothing...she didn't want to party in the bahamas either and we had lots of opportunity being we met some friendly workers in the bahamas offering to show us around.. 2 days in a row she complained about how the worker on the boat didn't ask for i.d in the club but asked me (mind u I am 3 yrs older than her), then complained about her weight and she isn't thinking damn whats next. one time I was being playful and light hearted she was laying there getting sun and I said her name ghostly like just being silly she blurts out WHAT DO U WANT.(damn)..being I spent a lot of time alone on the cruise I gradually met people including three other females we sat together for lunch suddenly when she saw me around them she had an interest in socializing with me..suddenly she was the life of the party bouncing all around and when it came to the cruise club room that I frequent throughout the cruise she danced liked an animal..basically she was being something she is not to impress the people I met. When the cruise ended she gave me a hard time with driving me to the airport saying what she have to do for school..i go to school myself so what she was saying was a word..she was complaining about time managment I suggested for her to take me to the airport early, she said no so I admit after days of enduring her nasty ways I flipped and said well damn i just suggested it being your complaining and ****. It was funny how she gave me a hard time after the fact I paid for her gas and let her stay in my hotel room the day before the cruise for FREE being I had an extra bed. After all the headache she end up taking me back..we exchange and tag pics of eachother through this social network but I am done with u think I have reason to be so furious with her?

K-pop Korean Idol Trainee questions!? HELP :D?

So from what you're telling me, you have a decent chance of getting in. Most korean companies have websites that tell you how you can audition. You probably already know but SM, JYP, and YG are korea's three biggest companies so it will be harder to get in but they accept more foreigners. And most companies provide language lessons if you need them. Korean companies pretty much pay for everything (dorm, food, etc) and they give you a small allowance monthly to buy things that you want. Since you live in the US you should probably audition through mail or email, the websites tell you the email or address. If you pass that, they will ask you to fly to korea for one or two live auditions. Pros- is that you're famous ( you have fans, etc) cons- you'll be super tired, you might get stalked by fans, the company might starve you or put you on a diet, and many idols get sick some how, etc. Yup i think that's it...oh yeah and your age is perfect.

Why did god allow Job to undergo such harsh treatment from satan in a sick bet?

you are talking about the same god who drown every human on earth save one and his family.... right?

How do I get men to date her and forget this ever happened?

My friend is an attractive, petite thin white female, however before she dated this dark skin black man she never used to smoke, drugs and never had any kids to a deadbeat. Now she has spots, wrinkles and her hair is falling out and she is only 25. Apparently this dark skin black man endured her with a lot of stress and he used to physically beat her and put her in hospital on various occasions. She now suffers a broken rib, split lip and can no longer have sex or get pregnant as her vaginal muscles are worn out or something which is what the doctors said, some sort of disease. I tried to get her into the dating scene again but a lot of men don’t want to date her even though she looks like Heidi Klum. I’ve noticed that after her dating this man a lot of men avoid her and she has even lost all her friends and her family members. I fear she may end up lonely, what advice can I give her?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Where is the grave of Gertrude Baniszewski?

Where is the killer buried Sylvia Marie Likens, portrayed in the film An American Crime and The Girl Next Door? That monster was known as Gertrude Baniszewski, Gertrude Nadine Van Fossen, Nadine Van Fosse or Gertrude Nadine Van Fossen Baniszewski? Not spotted in the Find a Grave.

Ladies? I'm thinking of a breast enhancement? Yes? No? Health Risks You've Endured?

I'm 25, and am a small 32a (ish). Feedback would be wonderful. Thank you! Please tell me your age, too if you provide feedback. So I know what to compare with. Thank you!!

Credit Reporting in a different name than judgment - is this allowed?

It's normal if the debt was sent to XYZ for collections. Just make sure the medical office calls off the collection agency.

Getting over my Ex girlfriend !! (Serious Answers)?

So me and my Ex had been together for 2 and a half years. Throughout all our relationship, She's been the one doing everything to me. She claimed to stop 'loving' me. She cheated on me, all the bad stuff that I guess can happen in a relationship....I"m afraid to take the next step because I still deeply love my Ex. Even when my she talks to other guys I get REALLY jealous. I know it's not good cause we're no longer together but I can't d son was only a month old, she broke up with me saying she didn't "love" me anymore...and we haven't been together since then.. We're still not together but I still give her money to support our child. I know this isn't all much relevant but I've always loved her and always told her till this day but she's never felt that way with me ever since we broke up. The breakup occurred back in January of 2009 and the way I felt about her hasn't changed since then. Don't get me wrong, I've talked with a few girls within that time period but it never fails at the end of the day it's my Ex that's always on my mind. Even when I try to move on and I'm talking to somebody else in which it could spark up a brand new relationship...I'm afraid to take it to the next level cause at the end of the day, I still love and feel for my my Ex-girlfriend. She's even called me her 'Security Blanket' to be their for her until the the next guy is available to give her attention then that's when her attitude changes around me and as much as I hate it that it's true cause I'm the dummy who falls for it all the time. Their have been times when she's came over and we've cuddled a little bit in my bed watching a movie and I'd always think to myself "This is how I want it." ...You know, having that feeling where you feel whole and complete. When she talks to other guys, I get REALLY jealous...I know it's not good and I shouldn't be getting mad but I can't help it. Sometimes I tell myself that the girl I once loved and new is 'Dead inside' and that what she's become now is just a girl who's a spitting image of who I love but it's not really her. The only innocent one is my little son. I've always wished we could've been a family together but that was thrown out the window. Trust me I've heard it all from "You need to move on" to "You need to get with someone" but it just doesn't faze me at all cause I still deeply love her and would do just about anything for her at the end of the day. How can I move on? I'm literally losing my mind right now. The girl I once knew is gone and that' something I gotta accept. But how? I REALLY want this misery to end cause I've been enduring it for years !!That's where I turn to you guys....What can I do or what DO I do? Honest Answers PLEASE !!

Why do people persist that Jesus is God?

It's funny that Michael gives an example of failed prophecy as evidence... The Christ who was supposedly crucified was never called Immanuel. Christians cherry pick verses, and ignore the ones that emphatically contradicts this belief. Jesus vehemently denied being God, "Why do you call me good? There is only one that is good, God the father".

One world government?

If the rights and freedom of everyone was assured. As it is now there's too much disparity in governing around the world. Until everyone can accept the fact that every person has the right to "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" then I don't think it would work. There are too many governments that practice suppression of equal rights to make a One World Government practical and acceptable.

Who do you think Katniss Everdeen looks like?

haha you do i was surprised, before I clicked opened the link I was just like "Can't be it's just one of those attention questions"! and then I saw it's kinda true but she has longer hair and... maybe not as tan ? well any way you're really pretty :D

Im really scare right now, I just found out that my Dad has to go to Vanderbilt for atleast 3 months?

I'm 13 and my Dad is leaving in 2 - 4 weeks to go to a Cancer Treatment place in Tennessee ... I have to stay with my Grandma for 3 months and we can't even communicate very well ... im so scared and I have no idea what to do right now...........He has Lymphoma Cancer.............How do I deal with something like this .... 8th grade starts in a few weeks and I' m scared out of my mind right now.........

I have written several poems I wish for someone to comment on. Would anyone care to?

My fave is "I remember why". Please make a book out of these poems, there are enough, and they sound great!!!

If U have 2 wait over 4 hrs in pain & suffering to c a doctor, isn't this a violation of the Hippocratic oath?

In Ontario hospitals, unless you are fairly wealthy, you will have to wait at least 4 hours before a doctor will see you (this is when the waiting area is not crowded, late at night and it is not a weekend or a holiday or during a major emergency). Is this not unnecessary before assessment & treatment of shock & pain, and doesn't it violate the doctor's oath to "do no harm"?

What makes that chump donald trump think that he can liken running his worthless companies to running America?

when are real and legitimate business men that make him look like childs play, yet they dont have the audacity to say something that "because I am a deal maker, I can run America"??

Ways to make hair grow faster?

My hair is not long enough for a hairstyle that I REALLY want and I was hoping to get it cut before I go on a trip next month. I was hoping to make my hair one inch longer in a month or so (If that's possible) and I wanted some tips and/or treatments that I can make at home to help my hair grow. And I'm taking One A Day teen advantage for girls multivitamins. So don't suggest vitamins unless they might work better than what I'm already using! Thanks!

Do you have to use Organix Brazilian Keratin Shampoo with the 30 therapy smoothing treatment?

I want to use this new system, I want to know is it necessary to use the Brazilian Keratin Shampoo & Conditioner. Or to use any of the other Organix products.

Shedding on a flat-coated cockapoo?

I recently got a 12-week old flat-coated cockapoo from a cockapoo breeder (from whom I also got my other very low-shed curly cockapoo who is now 11-months old ). I understand breeders cannot guarantee their puppies' coats and temperaments. I also understand that a flat-coated cockapoo must have taken more traits from the shedding cocker spaniel side rather than the non-shed poodle side. But my new flat-coated cockapoo is shedding like crazy. A groomer told me (and the vet confirmed) that the dog might just be nervous or anxious because I just got her a week ago. Can anyone share with me their expert knowledge on why a dog in general (regardless of the breed) might be shedding? Do most shedding breeds shed more in the summer months? I plan to ask the vet for more possible causes of this shedding when we go back for the puppy's next scheduled vaccination shots. For now, I am using the Furminator daily on her to reduce the shedding and it does somehow help but the shedding continues anyhow. Any other 'treatments' you can recommend for my new pup? She is a very beautiful, sweet, gentle yet spunky, easily trainable little pup and I hate to just give her up simply on the basis of her coat-shedding. I do not 'judge' nor 'reject' people based on their physical characteristics and I do not want to do that to this puppy.

At Home Formaldehyde Free Keratin Treatment?

I really want to try the keratin treatment after hearing all the hype about it. So I did some research and found out about the formaldehyde and link to cancer. After doing even more research, I found out that there is such thing as formaldehyde FREE treatments! I wanted to know if I should get my hair done professionally for a lot of money, or if it's safe and as effective to do one at home? I heard about people doing home treatments, but I wanted to know if they're safe enough and effective enough?

Why do the two major political affiliations in the United States use similar names for their parties?

This question and following should be the headline and front story of every newspaper in America, and run across the Whitehouse messageboard all month!

How do i build up my stamina for sprinting within a week?

I qualifyed for 200m final at sports night, but i only just qualifyed and im against amazing spriters, the thing is i begin to get tired throughout the last 55m and go slower. How do i endure to go faster within 1 week i really dont want to be far behind

Dealing with a (gag) yeast infection?

Okay, so I began treating the infection on Sunday night. I fell asleep last night without taking the third treatment so I took it this morning. It felt like everything was going well until I took that third treatment. So my question is, did I screw up the healing process by skipping a treatment? Also, will taking a treatment during the day irritate me more than it would if I were laying down not moving to go to bed at night? And how long can one of these wretched things last? Today is day 4 with some sort of treatment being used. I'm beginning to worry, I just want it to go away!

Should i act any different around her? Less friendly?

Ok I liked this girl at work we have been what I would call flirting with each other since we started working together and I had got some signals from her that she might be curious. All that night we were talking about sex and she admitted she was getting bored in the bedroom in her current relationship. We are both lesbians. She asked me for drinks one night after we both knocked off. I was absolutely beyond drunk and started getting flirty as you do when you lose some control. I accidently stubbed her pants with a cigarette and started trying to rub it off her when she jokingly said I just wanted an excuse to rub her leg and also one of the boys said I was looking at him like I wanted to sleep with him and she turned and said 'so I'm not the only one you look at like that?'. I can't remember much but I think I was holding her by the hips at the bar and maybe flirting and I remember she had lots of friends there that knew her and her girlfriend and she pretty much left me there and I couldn't understand why. The next day at work she came looking happy to see me and wanting to see if I was ok and explained that I was getting a bit close and she didn't want to give me the wrong idea on the dance floor. It really embarrassed me my behaviour and I apologised but she said it was fine. She also was worried if her gf had walked in and seen that but I really don't think what I was doing was that bad. I kind of want to crawl under a rock! I know I am an attractive girl and she has likened me to her gf so it's not like she is repulsed by me. I just worry she is going to be thinking I am not going to be able to control myself around her whilst I am drinking.

To ye who wouldest say nay to all manner of science, may I ask what thou art thinking?

Verily I say unto you that the same logical process was used to create the computers that thou usest to answer this question was used to develop the theory of evolution. Theory in the sense of the word that is likened unto the theory of gravity, music theory, and indeed number theory. Yay though we walk through the shadow of idiots that surround us, we shall heed not any fear of that which can be simplified to mathematics, for our brains art with us.

Do You Think I'm a Good Writer?

It needs work. You don't need a colon when you're introducing dialogue for Hunter. Your use of personification in the beginning when you're describing the bike was a little awkward and strange. Your writing doesn't flow nicely.

Is Paris Hilton considered American royalty?

i read somewhere people in Europe and asia consider her the equivalent of "american royalty". a magazine likened her to princess diana.

Is belief in Jesus just a ticket to Heaven for most people?

The most base are the people who get "born again" in order to seem to be a better candidate for mercy in the court system. One of the Watergate conspirators did this. For others, it's a leap out of drug or alcohol addiction. There's usually some angle of conniving other people into believing you have "reformed". LoL ;-)

I am looking for a borderline personality disorder forum where i can speak freely?

I want to talk to ther people with bpd without being censored. Just to talk liken normal people about anything.

Laptop won't turn on even though plugged in..?

Try to take out the batery out and if that doesnt work then if it does turn on press contol alt delet and press restart computer or cancal.

Is Bangalore hostile to non-locals?

How is living in Bangalore? Do you have to endure hostilities from say land-lords (people who rent out apartments) and other local people for not being a local?

Rap recording question?

Ive been just recording on a shitty headset mic for a while now and im really not liken how my rap voice is commen out. Then again theres been apsolutly no editing and stuff but, if i get like a decent recording mic and a good mixer would it make my voice sound better?

Help with ejaculation?

get him to just tighten his kegel muscles while relaxing his legs, it may take longer but he can learn to push it out when it starts to spasam the juices out maybe using pelvic thrusts

Christians, do you get your morals from god?

How many years are you willing to spend reading the list I will create for you about atheists? When you are reading it, remember that YOU each pick your morals thereby making them "better". You are a i-i-i-i-diot. lol John 3:16 God Bless

Should i be ashamed of my behaviour?

Ok I liked this girl at work we have been what I would call flirting with each other since we started working together and I had got some signals from her that she might be curious. All that night we were talking about sex and she admitted she was getting bored in the bedroom in her current relationship. We are both lesbians. She asked me for drinks one night after we both knocked off. I was absolutely beyond drunk and started getting flirty as you do when you lose some control. I accidently stubbed her pants with a cigarette and started trying to rub it off her when she jokingly said I just wanted an excuse to rub her leg and also one of the boys said I was looking at him like I wanted to sleep with him and she turned and said 'so I'm not the only one you look at like that?'. I can't remember much but I think I was holding her by the hips at the bar and maybe flirting and I remember she had lots of friends there that knew her and her girlfriend and she pretty much left me there and I couldn't understand why. The next day at work she came looking happy to see me and wanting to see if I was ok and explained that I was getting a bit close and she didn't want to give me the wrong idea on the dance floor. It really embarrassed me my behaviour and I apologised but she said it was fine. She also was worried if her gf had walked in and seen that but I really don't think what I was doing was that bad. I kind of want to crawl under a rock! I know I am an attractive girl and she has likened me to her gf so it's not like she is repulsed by me.

How can I stop being attracted to women?

I'm 24 years old, and fresh out of college. I have a great job, awesome friends, and a supportive family. The problem is that every girl I see I fall for. I'd throw it all away to truely love another person. I hate that for all the discipline I've endured, and hard work I've done means nothing to me, and just a wink or a smile from a pretty girl has that much power over me. What have I been working for all these years? I've never dated and only seen girls as a distraction from my goals. Now that I've reached them, I'm overloading on lust. What can I do?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Could I have something more serious?

You have a rare disease that effects 1 in 2.5 million people. Its called bilateral monoexteriosis mendulum extrema phiosis. Or short , purple's disease.

Im 15 and may have Manic depression, what to do?

Ive been researching the symptoms, and have shown all of them... My father and I have just had a conversation, and apparently it runs in my family, now that I know it may be a possibillity, I dont know what to do next.. At all I dont know how im supposed to react to it, its like just giving my feeling a name, im so confused, what is the next step? Treatment? Or is just knowing I have it enough to be able to see when it effects me and handle it, also if you could give ne a little more information about it, it would be greatly appreciated, Thank you for your time,

How do i get involved in American Football?

Im 16 years old, i live in England and i love american football. I play rugby now, and have done for many years, and i am extremely good - I play for the regional (state) team and i have been offered a place at a professional academy. I have always been involved in rugby, but i think that my style of play would be much better suited to american football. I play winger in rugby as i am pretty big, fast, and extremely powerful. My best traits would definitely be my running power, my hand off (stiff arm) and my power in tackling. I have an unusually great ability to beat defenders, which is why i score so many tries (touchdowns) - I have 18 in 7 games for my club (a club record for tries per match!) and last year i scored 4 in 3 games for the regional team. I have been likened on many occasions to a young 'Jonah Lomu' because of the way i can both smash through and pace defenders. ( ). Another player who i have been likened to, and actually more so than lomu is 'Greg Inglis' , ( ) Who as it happens has recieved serious interested from numerous nfl teams. Although my abilities have helped me succeed in rugby so far, i feel that there will come i time when i will not be able to go any further as some of my skills let me down. I am not the most technically perfect player in the world and i have a bit off a poor pass aswell as a poor kick. Also my tackling technique is not so good either as i tend to aim high which is against the rules in rugby. As i said earlier, i think that when you take into account all of my abilities, it seems to me that american football could be a better future career path to choose. I want to know first of all: how could i get into the sport? What position i would be best suited to play and how good would i be at that position? And from the info provided, how high a level could i possibly achieve? Please no pointless hate answers as i am trying to accurate, serious answers.

What happens if someone suffering from a mental illness commits a serious crime like rape or murder?

What would happen to someone if they were suffering from a mental illness and has been seeking treatment for it but then commits a crime against someone like rape, assault or even murder? im not going to lie and say its to help a friend, its to help me, ive been suffering from a mental illness for over a year now and every couple of months i struggle to keep control over it and quite often that results in unpredicted spells of anger or aggression, it seems to be getting worse and im really worried im going to hurt someone without meaning to. a lot of the doctors ive been seeing aren't being very helpful anymore and its very hard to keep working too. im trying to get better help but i want to know what would happen if i didn't do something if i lost control over it.

Who is hotter Alexis Jordan or Beyonce?

Alexis has been likened to Beyonce for her singing and looks but who is hotter? In my opinion i think it is Alexis who also aswell as amazing looks is a good singer and has a lovely, bubbly personality.

What does it mean if my girlfriend dreams of kissing my friend?

She told me she kissed him when i walked away.. but she made it sound he kissed her? this was over a month ago but she may have liken him which i can't tolerate in a relationship.

Quick ance treatments please!!!?

try a sulfur mask, there pretty cheap and make ur skin super dry, put it just on ur scars or acne ounce everyother day, (u dont want it to be too dry). i get my sulfur mask at walmart, from AcneFree, it also has vitamin c in it (:

I am just another hard pressed English taxpayer. How can I and other English taxpayers help?

Why do people like old grumpy keep blaming Gordon Brown for what blaady fred goodwin did. The arrogant fat cat bwankers ruined our country not Mr. Brown. If Scotland were to get independance I might consider moving there and getting away from the real moron who's repsonsible for ruining our country - coincidentally another Scottish name. Cameron!

Remember when Democrats were complaining about Obama being compared to Hitler and all those civility lectures?

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I used a hot oil treatment on my hair.?

And I didnt notice any difference. My hair is very dry and I havent been taking care of it properly. Why didnt I notice a change when I did the hot oil treatment?

Why was society likened by Spencer to a human body?

WELL VAnnEssAAA IT WAS not society as you have watched on tv no its in the ocean as its tides roll with unfoundded veloicty as a-brupt too rolling shore lines , with-holding the powdery hand felt caress of spencers grasp in this vision holding softly arms a bow sand and water as blue cleear he dipps his swaggered face upon whole of his bowed arms beauty to kiss a soft sandy pie of life at its best within his arms as taste just out not far a tremble as such as sand falls through youre finger tips as your mouth runs dry we all must open our arms to THE MIND ??? ROC ...

What is the definition of evil?

By the definition in the dictionary, I say should show: Osama Bin Ladin, other terrorists, Sarah Palin, and Hitler, random senseless violent people you hear about in the news...there u go.

More info on disney channel audition.... please read and answer?

well anyway ppl liken me saying that i look 12- 15 so i really dont look my age, and i've been call backed before for other auditions for disney, i just didnt get chosen and they didn't even care if i had experience or not, and that was WITHOUT the agent. So even you "experts" could be wrong, because just last year i got call backed for a role. and were going to go to the agency soon to talk to them, because he said he would help me out. i auditioned for several different sitcoms, when younger Hannah Montana, Madison High, even good luck charlie and i got called back to madison high and good luck charlie but i didn't get the role, so it shows that age doesnt matter and i can go to websites where it has auditions and how i can submit it to it. but i dont want any of those. so anything else of what i could do because even some kids on disney cant even act and i know those little kids didnt go to acting school. and could i just start out as an extras to get some stuff on my resume.

I hate those moles on the skin..?

Ok im male, 27 and training to be a physio and I dont mind assessing and giving most of the treatments but when it comes to giving massages theres one thing i hate..but I cant point out why I just do the only thing i can liken it to is being squemish. Basically you know those moles that some people get on the skin? I hate touching them even if they are flat. I was treating a young woman's back by massaging (she had a trapezius problem), she had a lot of those moles all over and I hated touching them. I just wish people would stay out of the sun lol. Ive not heard of other health professionals having this problem but I don't know what I can do to 'overcome' it. Ive not told anyone.

Can I use Derbac M on my dog?

My family has got scabies and the dog has a tiny patch on her it safe to use the same treatment on her?

Why are European courts allowed to tell Britain that they can't deport Somali criminals?

No in Australia, they deport them back, even if they were two years old when they migrated here. They get deported right back to where ever they came from, and there never allowed back.

Why and how is the end (already written) to endure unto not right of left/right, but above of under/above?

If the end is already written, doesn't that mean at regardless of what you do, you're final reward is pre-ordained? So free will is merely an appearance rather than a fact? In that case, do whatever you feel like, it's part of there-written plan anyway and you can't change the outcome.

Who likes the name Charolette Victoria for first and middle names?

I just recently started liken these names together, i also like frances josephine.. (i know thats the boy way of spelling frances but i like it that way for st.frances of a sisi, or however its spelled..)

Really baked, what do people make of this?

cool story bro. Weed shouldn't be legal, there are enough problems in this country related to alcohol and weed being legal would just worsen things.

Where to make a word for a picture? Just read, i need help.?

Ok. im on tumblr. and i want to make a heading of my own. id do it on paint, but the word setting (thing where u can change the look of the word) is... boring, liken original. What site can i go on to write a sentence, save it as a picture, and then apply it. when i write it, i want there to be a variety of different word styles.

Last night i broke up with my girlfriend who loves me, but im not in love with her. should i go back to her?

You need to be happy. Don't go back if you aren't 100% satisfied. It's like that hotel or restaurant that you'd never go back to because nothing was right.

Severe menstrual cramps and vomiting... is it normal?

It could be normal for your body. When i'm on my cycle i cant eat for the first 3 days because i'll puke like 5 minutes later. I don't even feel hungry those first 3 days either. But you should go to the doctor to be sure.

Having a hard time finding a reason to live?

people get told of my mental disability, (which I didn't have at birth) and they automatically dislike me and make fun of me. my family is hostile, my parents keep arguing with each other and my mother should be put behind bars, she screams, swears, screams non-stop and at random, we are public-enemy number one according to our neighbours (I am willing to kill her myself the next time she raises her voice) and I am afraid of inviting people over because of her behavior. I have gone through 12 years of schooling and not had one friend at all, never been invited to parties/pubs/night clubs, etc. My younger sister probably has a boyfriend before I even get a girlfriend. I do not have a drivers license. i cant find a job anywhere even though I keep trying every single day, they do not have positions available. I am really struggling to cope with a slow and miserable life I am forced to endure.

When do Pubes go back to normal and finally stop feeling irritating? (Read full question Please!)?

Dude, RELAX! It's okay that happens to everyone. I'm 16 too and I shave and that happens. Now it usually doesnt take two months for it to grow back. Maybe you're letting it grow out too much but you really don't have anything to worry about its normal. I mean the doctor's never a bad idea but he's gonna say the same thing. I reccomend in the future though to not dry shave. Unfortunately, razor bumps will always occur that's something we have to deal with. So remember don't fret it's okay. We're teenagers we overthink everything. If you have anymroe questions, feel free to email me!

Should i be ashamed of myself?

Ok I liked this girl at work we have been what I would call flirting with each other since we started working together and I had got some signals from her that she might be curious. All that night we were talking about sex and she admitted she was getting bored in the bedroom in her current relationship. We are both lesbians. She asked me for drinks one night after we both knocked off. I was absolutely beyond drunk and started getting flirty as you do when you lose some control. I accidently stubbed her pants with a cigarette and started trying to rub it off her when she jokingly said I just wanted an excuse to rub her leg and also one of the boys said I was looking at him like I wanted to sleep with him and she turned and said 'so I'm not the only one you look at like that?'. I can't remember much but I think I was holding her by the hips at the bar and maybe flirting and I remember she had lots of friends there that knew her and her girlfriend and she pretty much left me there and I couldn't understand why. The next day at work she came looking happy to see me and wanting to see if I was ok and explained that I was getting a bit close and she didn't want to give me the wrong idea on the dance floor. It really embarrassed me my behaviour and I apologised but she said it was fine. She also was worried if her gf had walked in and seen that but I really don't think what I was doing was that bad. I kind of want to crawl under a rock! I know I am an attractive girl and she has likened me to her gf so it's not like she is repulsed by me. I just worry she is going to be thinking I am not going to be able to control myself around her whilst I am drinking.

Who do you think will make the best Republican Presidential candidate?

I think being British we would like to know after all the insults we have endured throughout this Presidency.

Can I take Prescription medication before a Fluoroscopy?

It may be ok with a small sip of water, but check with the place where you're having it done to find out for sure.

Thoughts on the new Rise Against music video that addresses bullying of LGBT teens?

I really liked it and to be honest, it brought a tear to my eye. I think its great- emotional and heart wrenching, but inspiring at the same time. I have a good friend who's openly gay and is bullied quite often, and it's really tough but I always try my hardest to be there and support her. Also, I have a friend who's a closet homosexual who desperately wants to be open and be herself, but struggles with coming out because her parents are homophobic. I don't really listen to Rise Against often, but I like some of their songs because I think they're really interesting and powerful.

I have been on the pill for at least 5 years, and my period is 5 days late!?

Missing a period does not make one infertile. My period went missing a whole year when I wasn't sexually active and I've been pregnant more than once since. A blood work up will not detect pregnancy unless specifically a pregnancy test is ordered. If you took the home test too soon you would get a negative even if you were pregnant plus not all women show up positive for pregnancy in urine. Have a blood test for pregnancy done you very well could be pregnant you have all the right symptoms.

Friday, July 15, 2011

How much additional weight can a human endure on their bodies before dying?

For example if the person is a female, 5'5, 125lbs, in her 20's and the weight is distributed evenly over her upper torso while in an upright position. As if she were wearing one of those protective suits they make you wear when you take an x-ray at the dentist, only heavier. How much weight could be endured in this situation to make the person (a) uncomfortable, (b) in pain, and (c) die. 100lbs, 200lbs, 250lbs? You tell me. ------- Obviously I know it would depend a little from person to person and perhaps with training, muscle mass etc, etc, I simply would a ball park figure -------- Thank you. :)

Sooo i like this guy?

I like this guy and he dont know and im looking for quotes to kinda give it off and he likes me back so if you know any quotes/song/song lyrics about being friends at first andn not expecting to start liken each other or something along the lines of it that i could put as my facebook status please share thanks!(:

Is Dwight L. Moody's Doctrine that "God loves Sinners" the greatest "Jedi Mind-Trick" ever? What is "Love"?

God's love and human love are two different loves. We can't love like He can. He created us and then incarnated HImself to suffer and die for us. HAve you ever created something and died for it?

What/is there a difference between a hair relaxer(protein) and permanently straightening hair? Which is better?

I have curly hair but I want it straight.. I don't know if there is a difference between the treatments..

What is the difference between "disease process", "signs and symptoms", and "pathophysiology of the disease"?

I am writing a paper on hyperthyroidism for my pathophysiology course, and the rubric seems really unclear to me. Maybe it's because this is an accelerated course and the first of its kind that I've taken, but I can't figure out exactly what the professor is looking for, and they haven't responded to my attempts at contact yet. The rubric wants a section where I "define the disease process", then a separate section where I discuss "signs and symptoms" as well as treatment options, and another section where I discuss the "pathophysiology of the disease". Wouldn't there be a lot of overlap between the information for each of those sections? What exactly does "define the disease process" mean anyway?

Does Obama's latest tantrum feel like there is a little bullying going on in our government?

The problem with compromise is that the word isn't in either parties vocabulary. This isn't a republican/dem problem. Our entire government sucks. It's honestly tough to tell the difference between either party now a days.

HEMORRHOIDS! Can you be completely put out for ANY hemorrhoid surgery?

Whoa whoa whoa man. You don't just go into a doctor's office and BAM get your hemorrhoids operated on. You have an examination and consult first...where questions like yours are answered. Then you make a decision. Visit a doctor, hear the options, tell him your concerns, and go from there. Don't panic. They won't strap you down and cut on your butt when you go in for an exam.

My cousin gave me the silent treatment for almost a year?

Hello I need answers. Last summer 2010 my cousin was supose to come to my house after my birthday but at the last minute she desided to let me down and she desided to go see a concert she tried to call me back to tell me she would come but I hung up on her I said no go see the damn concert...I was hurt and angry but now I'm more hurt cuz my cousin gave me the silent treatment next week it will be a year we have stop talking and we were close. During the holidays 2010 I saw her but we didnt talk or look at eachother it was cold . Its still cold. There is a wedding in july my other cousin is getting maried...and she will be there it will be awkward to talk to her again since its been a year . I dont have the courage to go up to her and say sorry. I'm still hurt cuz she gave me the silent treatment . I know I will see her at the wedding but once I do I dont know what to say to her I'm so stressed out these days cuz of that and my parents knows that I dont want to go cuz of the situation. I'm still not going should I go and make amends with my cousin. She is very important to me it feels i've lost a piece of me...I cry a lot cuz I regret and I still think I dont deserve to be forgiven...

Should i have a bikini-line wax during my period?

If your having it done professionally im sure the person has waxed many other women whilst on their perioid. Remember she's a woman aswell so she'll be understanding. I would definately wear a tampon though

Would this back of a book intrigue you?

That does sound like a good book and something I would definitely try! I have two suggestions though, the synopsis is a bit confusing is there anyway you could make it clearer, like where exactly does this take place, another dimension, or another time period? What is the dark and villanous cloud? and maybe you could change the name Platapple...just a few thoughts! good luck with your writing!

One of my friend’s sister diagnosed bipolar disorder by the Doctors. The Doctors suggested medications, respod?

As you feel, it is better to consult a psychiatrist and discuss with him threadbare about all these problems.

Why do some white people cry about not being able to use the n word and complain about black history month?

Because it doesnt matter how long has passed since slavery and the lynching of blacks, whites have proven throughout history and even now that they capable of the most vile, horrific things you could ever imagine. I think it must be a genetic thing..nothing they do or say shocks me. Just leave them to make themselves extinct, itl happen

Deep sea creature ability?

i'm amazed by many HD picture of deep sea creatures... question is, how come creature that fragile can endure the pressure that big? so the next question pop next is if navy can create something like the creature structure, so basically submarine tech engineering can be altered right???

Is the treatment of Sarah Palin by democrats an example of the tolerance to which liberals espouse?

I'm just curious, they are all for treating people right, being nice, loving your neighbor, until someone disagrees with them. Then the true colors are revealed.

Im really scare right now, I just found out that my Dad has to go to Vanderbilt for atleast 3 months?

I'm 13 and my Dad is leaving in 2 - 4 weeks to go to a Cancer Treatment place in Tennessee ... I have to stay with my Grandma for 3 months and we can't even communicate very well ... im so scared and I have no idea what to do right now...........He has Lymphoma Cancer.............How do I deal with something like this .... 8th grade starts in a few weeks and I' m scared out of my mind right now.........

If you can't even stand up to pain, what worth are you?

Weaklings are those who fear pain. Making excuses and cowering to hide from it. To become strong you must accept pain and endure it. If not then you have no place in existence. Even the weak can become strong.

Help! I got something in my third eye! Can you recommend a treatment?

Something like Visine or Murine? Maybe just cold tap water? It's really itchy. Maybe it's just a lash that got curled under. It's driving me nuts, though!

Can you wear a sports bra all the time?

I don't see why not. I don't really find regular bras that comfortable either. But they do come in a lot of forms, similar too (even not exactly like) a sports bra. I don't know about wearing a sports bra to swim in. I've known a couple people that do it, but I'd think you'd want something that's meant for swimming so it doesn't absorb water to be comfortable.

How to prevent getting sleepy disregarding the lack of sleep?

I'm going to have one of the most important test of my life soon and I need all the time I can get. Getting enough sleep is out of the question but I keep getting sleepy. Is there any way to keep me fully awake like 19 hours per day? I know it's unhealthy but I only have to endure it for 1 week.

Can I sue insurance for setting me up with a thief?

I'd sue both because with the contractor being preferred mean the insurance was negligent in the proper background checks.

Can schizophrenia really be stopped?

i just cant believe that this thing can go away.ive been on meds since last august. doc says i should stick on this treatment, soon visiting him. i`m in such a deep problem... no matter what i do, i just cant start to flow.. this thing is sooooo hard, u have no idea. so yeah can it really be stopped? i just cant believe that i will be ever able to feel like i felt. like u ar simply fine n in a state where everything that is around u simply flows in u so u can simply sit in peace. i just dont believe it. it seems impossible. this isnt about anything giving up or something, i just dont believe it.

Sally's Beauty Keratin treatment contest entry photo?

basically , dont get your whole body, it wants where your hair ends up , like a simple head shot not your body ! lol and try a camera, nd if you dont have one then just use isight ! dont waist your money on a professional photographer, just take a picture in front of a plain wall

Rubber bands for braces treatment possibly overextended?

All 3 of my kids had braces and they all wore rubber bands. My son had braces on for 4 years and got them off when he was 15. He wore rubber bands for all 4 years. Orthodontists want to make your bite the absolute best it can be- they SHOULD for as much money as they charge. They want to have all your teeth aligned as well as they can before they take the braces off and give you retainers. Keep wearing the rubber bands and you may get the braces off sooner! Good luck

For the legal beagles out there: Can you have a TSA screener arrested and charged with groping?

Your question is and remains - can a TSA agent be charged with "groping" --- Not unless its done away from the Air Terminal! and in private.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

How can the Catholic Church claim to be the only true church when they do not follow what is in the Holy Bible?

You're looking for a contradiction where there is none. The Catechism says that only the Church is the infallible interpreter of scripture. Paul praises people for reading the scripture. He says nothing of infallibility.

Salicylic Acid vs Alpha Hydroxy Acid vs Benzoyl Peroxide for Acne?

Okay so I have been using a 3 step treatment for my acne that includes a Benzoyl Peroxide cleanser, a Salicylic oil-free moisturizer and a Salicylic acid spot treatment, my acne still appears sometimes even after 6 months of using this. I'm starting to doubt the effectiveness of this treatment. After looking at, the main founder of the site recommended AHA or Alpha Hydroxy Acid over Salicylic acid. My Question is which one of these treatments work the best on moderate acne? - Thanks.

A metaphorical day, will you C/C please?

These two concepts co-exist. Who denies them does not comprehend. Exclusion is worse than inclusion in my esteem. Very nice poem. Even though the metaphor of the master with "one member oars crew" is much towards a martyr's philosophy. Allow something more blunt, say... More inspiring... A nice post, please revise and re-post? Dallas!!! Quell uomo nell tuo pensiero, e il piu stravagante ch' io abbia mai conosciuto. Lo conosco? Si dice che tavolta la felicita viene alla donna mentre dormendo. A very good poem! I like! ( Laughs: I know it is never from you, but some are too enthusiastic to offer; 5 TD, so far.)

What hurts you more: physical or emotional pain?

Emotional pain hurts me more.. I have experienced a lot of physical pain like I've been hit by a chair on my head and arms, been pushed down the stairs, been burned by boiling water on my feet, nothing can compare to emotional torture that I went through....

My mother passed away - what happens to her car (in NJ)?

Without a will the car and any other assets will automatically pass to her relatives in a state predetermined order. Husband, Sons/Daughters, grandchildren, etc. Someone should already have been name executor of the will. That is the person you need to speak to.

Putin is calling Lyban Attack a Medieval Crusade?

So defending Muslims against a brutal Muslim dictator compares this to a "Medieval Crusade". Wow never thought I see Republicans backing Russia over the American President.

How to relieve a yeast infection in the mean time..?

Hi there, just thought i would see if any one has any suggestions on how to relieve symptoms of a yeast infection while waiting for the 3 day treatment to work.. its not too itchy but i do have a few cuts down there that are very irritating and when i insert the medicine at night its irritating for a good half hour.. any suggestions untill the medicine kills it?

Should seismologists be charged with manslaughter for not predicting earthquakes?

They actually imprisoned one seismologist who did predict this and took to the streets with a PA system attached to his car. He was arrested and charged with breaching the peace I believe. Then that earthquake happened and the people he warned died.

Is there a A Slobbering Love Affair: Between Obama and the liberal Media?

You forgot about Obama murdering twice as many troops in Afghanistan in 3 years than Bush did in over 7 years. Yet the media doesn't report it at all. Hypocrisy just because a Democrat is in office.

Severe Fear of People and I don't know what to do (sorry if I posted this twice)?

Ok so I have a severe and crippling fear of people. I don't ever leave the house except when I am forced to by my parents. I honestly don't know whats wrong with me. I've been to multiple therapists who assume I have Social Phobia but I don't think I do. My problem isn't really with talking to people its with being around them. If I am around other people or even just one person I have really bad panic attacks. If I'm sitting in the car in a parking lot and I see someone walk by I have a panic attack. They don't even have to be near the car. Even if I don't see the people but I know someone is there like in another room I have panic attacks. I can't talk on the phone for the same reasons. While currently writing this I'm starting to feel the beginning effects of panic attacks. I could just be sitting at home but if I even think about something involving human contact I freak out. I'm at the end of my rope with what to do. While I've gone to therapy I can never last more than 4 sessions before I can't force myself to endure the fear any longer. Every time I go it gets harder not easier. So I can't go to therapy. I'm miserable and it sucks. I can't get a job for the obvious reasons and I can't move out. I'm 20 soon to be 21 and still living with my parents but I need to get out of here but I don't know how. I have no way to make money. While being with my family when around others used to make me a little more comfortable, now Its getting to the point where I don't want to be around my family because I'm becoming more uncomfortable. I don't know whats wrong with me or what to do but I need help and don't know how to get it. So if you can offer suggestions I would seriously appreciate it. I just can't take this and the constant fear anymore.

(ELITE 4) I know i asked this allready but they wanted to know?

I. Cant defeat the elite 4 my top p�kemon are level 80 charizard level with cut fly blast burn and hyper beam Level To moltres with overheat fire spin endure and flamethrower and in 3rd machoke with forsight fital throw focus punch and submission and sandslash with rock slide slash secret power and cut

Are there any super short quotes or proverbs likening honour to a sword?

I need it for my story pick-up line in this website I'm posting it on as the title is 'The Honour Blade'. However, I can't find any. I'm doing research but to no avail. Please help me and I will be endebted to you forever! It had to be super short though otherwise it won't fit in the space they give for pick-up lines about your story. Thanks a million in advance!

What does this AFL-CIO union boss mean,when he says we need WW3 ON conservatives?

Of course it is a threat. They better bring some guns though, if they plan to follow through on it. Otherwise they will lose hard.

Is this a horrible thing to say or just careless?

Hey guys. So a female friend of mine, Naomi* was set up by another friend of ours, Steve* to go out with this guy, Darren*. They got along really well and have been seeing each other for a few months now. The thing is, the other night they were just talking about anything and everything and Darren very casually said to Naomi that before their first date, Steve raved on about how she was so pretty and even likened her to a supermodel. Darren then went on to say that although she was pretty, she certainly wasn't THAT pretty and Steve was such a drama queen to even think such a thing. Naomi just took it and laughed along but afterward felt really bad about herself. She doesn't know whether he was at fault or whether she should stop being so vain. Now, I've already told her what I think but she would like to know what all of you think.

How can you make your crush like you? i like this guy that is super smart(genius type)..I have him for history and science...he is always better than kinda of smart(straight A student) but he is still better than me:( . he talks a lot, I think he flirts with another girl...she is smart too(not genius type, she is in my science and history class too) last week we made a test in algebra..I got a 100:)(only one in the whole school), he got a 98.. I thought that he will look at me as a smart girl(I am not really good at history and I don't talk in science class) but i think he is jealous now rather than likening me... what can I do for him to like me???

Crazy girl trying to steal my boyfriend>:(! What do I do:(?

Okay, so she arrived to my class in the first of the year and I thought she was nice, u know, typical good girl;), but on the first day I found out she had liken my ex bf, lets call him David, and he said she was an ugly girl and all that s***:/. Then she just changed and started to get into trouble a lot and so I avoided her a lot, and my friends said that it was good I left her alone because she was a b**** and stuff:). Then she started to sneak around with all of the boys being a w****. And then, me and my ex bf got back together and we are currently dating.... And recently I had found out she has been saying stuff about me and David dating>:((! My bff (lets call her Mary) then told me crap about her saying stuff about me like "Ew why does David like her she is a b**** and she is evil and ugly as h***." Then I got really p***** after she told me more like she said "Omg David is so cute Imma ask him out hehhe." I really got mad and then confronted her like "Uh excuse me are u thinking of asking out David???". And then she went all. "Shut up about it before I rip your hair out!! And yeah I am!!" and all I did was ask nicely!! Then I really got p***** and said "Well maybe you should stay away from whats mine!!!" and left her alone. And lately she's been saying stuff to Mary like "You need to shut up because David belongs to me and not Stella (lets just say thats me)" and "Oh come on Stella's such and ugly w**** b**** and she needs to go to h***." She just told me this yesterday so I'm obviously still VERY steamed about it!! And now all she does to me is roll her eyes and whenever I ask what are you mad about she'll be like "You and your freak boyfriend!!!!". What do I do to get her to stay away from my boyfriend?!! Thanks for ur advice :) Xx

What's wrong with my throat?

So basically i have a cold... Ears, nose, throat... The ears aren't so bad. And i can deal with a plugged up nose and sinus headaches is always throat aches i CANT deal with. I hate them. Normally i'd just endure it and hope the end of this misery is near but i think it's gotten more severe. Worse than i've had, anyways. So each day i've been noticing it's getting worse. Hurts to swallow to the point where i don't even want to but i've still been shoving liquids down my throat. Tea, water, juice. But today now i can't swallow much. Not unless i want to go through a decent amount of pain. I can feel this weird lump on my neck on either side... Think where you'd check for a pulse... Just above that. It's getting harder to breathe so i decide i'd go look in the mirror... Open my mouth and find my tonsils to be touching my uvula thing... well they look like they are. and they have weird white spots on them. almost kanker sore looking. They look pretty gross and it's pretty painful.... My mom won't take me to the Docs though. I told her i'm having a harder time breathing and my tonsils are planning an attack and slowly moving in but she just tells me not to be a drama queen... Is there anything to deal with this? anyone know what it is. It's pretty suckish... and i'd like to convince mommie dearest to take me.... but.. Well. Help is appreciated.

What do you think of this short poem, "Premonition"?

Live long enough and you accept changes as life cycles for everyone. That's not to say you fear them too, just accept them more. Strong ending stanza.

Main character names for my story?

you could google name meanings then fit the meaning with the personality. eg. if a character is always angry a name like Agro as it means aggravated and angry.

Do Physicians Assistants make more than Nurses(RN's)?

I'm a bit confused about what medical field I would want to go into, I'm debating whether or not I should be a nurse or a physicians assistant. Nursing school is almost equivalent to the condensed medical school that physicians assistance's have to endure. I figure that there both in pretty much the same field so which is a lot more respectable and pays a lot nicer?

Why do people liken nuclear warfare to the apocalypse?

Yes .. Really don't want to think about the harm that would befall us and every other country still seeing the consequences of Chernobyl you know the power station that contaminated the whole of europe with radiation ,you don't need to be in a war to know so suggest you shut your mouth and do a little research .. is that appropriate for ya or are you not listening

Christians: do you think that Jesus was?

many will claim to be the son of God, but jesus is the only one w/ a unique realation ship w/ God the father and holyspirit and the ONLY ONE who was able to lead a sinless life and be a sacrifce for mankind

Poem for a bad father/daughter relationship for Fathers Day? Maybe it "turned around" in the end?

Perfect by simple plan? thats the best i can do. Go on a peoptry website and look up fathers day poems and youll find something along thos lines.

Is there anybody who can tell me....?

Let me put it like this: All of our debt is accumulating interest, every dang penny of it. This hurts America. The unwise and downright foolish spending of the democrats certainly hasn't helped matters. The only way we're going to get out of the hole is to drastically reduce the size of our government, quit wasteful spending, refuse to ever again raise the debt limit and to pay off the debt we owe. Step one of that is getting the democrats out of power in our government.

Do i have varicose veins?

Ok i have these veins on my legs and a bit on my side i think it's varicose veins but i would like to get rid of them they went before when i done exorcising and came back a week later is there any treatment or anything to get rid of them?

Is there any medicine/treatment/cream proven to erase dark circles under eyes?

I've read some of the answers given here already, and none of them have worked; putting things on my eyes (home remedies), vitamin K, etc. I figured I would try one last effort here before talking to my dermatologist. I do not have bags at all; just dark circles, ever since I was 14 (and I'm 29 now). Please help!

Girls only: Should I go or not?

My friend I haven't seen for like 2 years invited me over to her house for a sleepover and I got my period a few hours ago, and I can't take the cramp reliever pills because I'm out and I can't take the advil because my mother needs it for her headaches too, and I know if I go and try to endure the pain I'll just end up being miserable because sometimes my cramps get REALLY painful I know I can take one before I leave but I usually get cramps up until the third or fourth day of my cycle. What should I do? She's busy for the next 2 weeks because she'll have summer camp.

Starting my own clinic?

It's your bussiness! lol I sorta like it, but sorta don't because it really has nothing to do wiith your soul... Because your soul doesn't need a diet or a facial... but what about something about nature? like Naturally Pretty or Naturally Beautiful... or Vegan Beauty? I'm sorry if those are horrible. I just don't like the idea of false advertisment. unlesss of course you're going to give my soul a massage... lol but hey! I don't matter! if you like that name go with it.

Why does hair removal cost so darn much in America?

Of course there are cheap alternatives like shaving and creams but they suck & make hair grow back thicker. I'm willing to travel to another country just to get it done because I'll save more money doing that. Seriously, $250+ dollars for a single treatment of laser?

Should boxing fans do away with the word "coward" in describing boxers?

I find it totally disrespectful to call any person who gloves up and steps in the ring a coward. Boxing takes a lot of courage and skill and takes a person with heart and determination to get in the ring and swap punches. To me the coward is the person watching and criticizing the man or woman in the ring who is braving the sport and taking the punches, those who call names are probably the biggest cowards around. Maybe these name callers should glove up sometime and see how well they'd do in the ring, it would teach them a valuable lesson and some manners!!!

Does it seem coincidental that the $90k/yr Avastin was deemed ineffectural by the FDA as Obamacare ramps up?

Doctors and patients say it is effective. Private insurance companies have been covering it. It is for women with breast cancer that don't respond to other treatments and are going to die. So, is this just pure coincidence?

What do you make of this news article,is it a belief of yours and why?

Thank you. Well said. I couldn't have said it any better nor could any one else. All we must do is pray..."pray without ceasing", especially for the lost souls.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I promised the lord our God that I will fast for 7 days. What if I Broke that promise and ate?

This is my first time fasting. During the last passed 2 months I have been studying the Bible and working extremely hard to become righteous. Just this passed weekend I slipped into sin. Sex and drugs is what I gave in to. I believe the lord has condemned me because this passed Sunday after church I was highly irate for some reason. Everything and everyone seemed to irritate me. I threatened my twin brother with violence and I was terribly unloving to my 9 year old sister. Because of this I have decided to fast for the first time. Its only been one day and I'm feeling sick because I haven't eaten. I'm putting my trust in God to give me strength to endure this but I'm scared I'll give in to my desire for food. What is it that I should do?

Can one endure sorrow alone?

Yes, if we have to the strong are separated from the weak! The strong do what they have to so they can survive, to continue and then move on!

Girls, Which type are you?

Hm, great work! I'd like to think I am a little bit of every type, cannot really label myself as one single type. :)

Call of Duty, Black Ops. Sexist?

The makers aren't sexist but the players are. When my girlfriend plays on my account and uses a mic it doesn't take long at all before the jokes start coming in. I bet you experience it too. "Make me a sammich." "Get back in the kitchen." etc. Could you imagine how much easier it would be for the assholes to make fun of girls if they were using female soldiers. Plus with all the teabagging and crap they'd be teabagging the dead bodies and It would be an even worse place for girls. But that's just my two cents.

My health insurer, United Healthcare, won't pay for anesthesia? What gives?

You do not extend the deadline. You pay the bill now, yourself, with money, without using the health insurance yet. When your wife returns and you have the letter from the insurance company, you submit the letter from the car insurance and the receipt showing that you paid the bill yourself to United, and then they reimburse you.

Why did my dog throw up?

Recently my dog was diagnosed with having fluid in her lungs. After about two days of giving her treatment she threw up. To be honest I have no idea weather this is good or bad. Is this good because she's getting rid of the fluids? Or has this just gotten worse? My dog was also diagnosed with an enlarged heart. Shes about seven months old. Breed- Shih tzu

Chick damn near ruined the cruise should I feel this furious?

I am a single female that wanted to be free from all the madness and have fun like a girls get away. I admit I don't have a lot of close friends and I met another female around my age range from a website last year in which the host of the webcast show throw annual cruises. We came up with the idea of going together, so for 8mths we formed a friendship, we text, skype, ovvo talk on the phone every form of communication you can think of! This past weekend was the actual cruise we met finally face to face the day before the cruise because I was staying at a hotel near the port..when she saw me face to face she looked at me as if she saw a ghost, she didn't act real friendly like she did online..especially once we boarded the cruise. She would talk down to me like I was stupid, did her own thing most of the time on the boat with no desire to hang with me, barely spoke to me, had all these mood swings for nothing and she wasn't on her period..sometime I would speak to her and she just wouldn't talk to me like wth? She didn't party too tough on the boat and when we finally got into the Bahamas we went to the beach then to Atlantis she had a serious fit that we had to pay 11 bucks to get back to the boat spot..her money was slightly tight..but she was pouting so hard I asked if she was alright she just wouldn't talk to me for nothing...she didn't want to party in the bahamas either and we had lots of opportunity being we met some friendly workers in the bahamas offering to show us around.. 2 days in a row she complained about how the worker on the boat didn't ask for i.d in the club but asked me (mind u I am 3 yrs older than her), then complained about her weight and she isn't thinking damn whats next. one time I was being playful and light hearted she was laying there getting sun and I said her name ghostly like just being silly she blurts out WHAT DO U WANT.(damn)..being I spent a lot of time alone on the cruise I gradually met people including three other females we sat together for lunch suddenly when she saw me around them she had an interest in socializing with me..suddenly she was the life of the party bouncing all around and when it came to the cruise club room that I frequent throughout the cruise she danced liked an animal..basically she was being something she is not to impress the people I met. When the cruise ended she gave me a hard time with driving me to the airport saying what she have to do for school..i go to school myself so what she was saying was a word..she was complaining about time managment I suggested for her to take me to the airport early, she said no so I admit after days of enduring her nasty ways I flipped and said well damn i just suggested it being your complaining and ****. It was funny how she gave me a hard time after the fact I paid for her gas and let her stay in my hotel room the day before the cruise for FREE being I had an extra bed. After all the headache she end up taking me back..we exchange and tag pics of eachother through this social network but I am done with u think I have reason to be so furious with her?

Do you recommend the acne treatment line "Dermalogica Clean Start"?

Ok, for starts, if you compare the price of the product the salesmen was trying to get you to buy, your notice it's a lot higher than the ones she DIDN'T suggest buying, and the question your asking yourself is why, why o lord would she do than? Simply, she's a salesmen, the bigger money you spend, the better she is job wise. I was suffering from cystic acne, I took some pretty serious drug to rid myself of the ogre's flesh on my face. Now its being eleven months, some has returned, I simply squeeze, drain, and do whatever it takes to rid myself of acne. But after the pimple popping, I take just normal rubbing alcohol, get a cleansing mad moist with it and rub it on my face, it kills the bacteria, and cleans the dirt and grime up off my skin. Unless you have cystic, this should work, but know it will take a few weeks to work, so don't curse me out if you don't look Megan Fox-ish in two weeks.

Why does biblical commentator John Gill reference "Papist" as idolators?

"Papist" was what the Reformers called Roman Catholics since they tended to follow the Pope over and above Scripture. They called them idolaters because some of their practices, like praying to saints or venerating Mary or the Pope, are idolatrous.

How does lack of new jobs and rising health care costs damage the economy?

Let's say employers simply refuse to create new jobs or hire new people. They just place hiring freeze and use every single employee of theirs to do the work of 2 to 3 people. Those people accept the work of 2 to 3 with no pay increase. And then going home those people then drink lot of alcohol (beating wife and pet in some cases, which leads to abusive household environment for kids, etc etc) and smoke a lot due to the excessive stress at work. After health damage of employee, they seek lots of medical treatments and ER visits, which increases health care costs exponentially. So what happens to the economy with no more jobs and dramatically rising health care costs? And is this scenario a possibility, or it will never happen?

Is what Gaddafi is doing to his people likened to what Americans were doing to black Americans not that long?

ago, and how would the world have felt if other countries had rained down murder upon us for oppressing blacks in those days

Why did my It's a 10 keratin treatment turn from a liquid to cream?

I just bought my second bottle of 'It's a 10 Miracle Leave-In plus Keratin. I left it in my car for a bit and it turned from a liquid to a cream. Is there anyway I can get it to go back to a liquid or should I return it?

Should i be ashamed of my behaviour?

Ok I liked this girl at work we have been what I would call flirting with each other since we started working together and I had got some signals from her that she might be curious. All that night we were talking about sex and she admitted she was getting bored in the bedroom in her current relationship. We are both lesbians. She asked me for drinks one night after we both knocked off. I was absolutely beyond drunk and started getting flirty as you do when you lose some control. I accidently stubbed her pants with a cigarette and started trying to rub it off her when she jokingly said I just wanted an excuse to rub her leg and also one of the boys said I was looking at him like I wanted to sleep with him and she turned and said 'so I'm not the only one you look at like that?'. I can't remember much but I think I was holding her by the hips at the bar and maybe flirting and I remember she had lots of friends there that knew her and her girlfriend and she pretty much left me there and I couldn't understand why. The next day at work she came looking happy to see me and wanting to see if I was ok and explained that I was getting a bit close and she didn't want to give me the wrong idea on the dance floor. It really embarrassed me my behaviour and I apologised but she said it was fine. She also was worried if her gf had walked in and seen that but I really don't think what I was doing was that bad. I kind of want to crawl under a rock! I know I am an attractive girl and she has likened me to her gf so it's not like she is repulsed by me. I just worry she is going to be thinking I am not going to be able to control myself around her whilst I am drinking.