Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Should i be ashamed of my behaviour?

Ok I liked this girl at work we have been what I would call flirting with each other since we started working together and I had got some signals from her that she might be curious. All that night we were talking about sex and she admitted she was getting bored in the bedroom in her current relationship. We are both lesbians. She asked me for drinks one night after we both knocked off. I was absolutely beyond drunk and started getting flirty as you do when you lose some control. I accidently stubbed her pants with a cigarette and started trying to rub it off her when she jokingly said I just wanted an excuse to rub her leg and also one of the boys said I was looking at him like I wanted to sleep with him and she turned and said 'so I'm not the only one you look at like that?'. I can't remember much but I think I was holding her by the hips at the bar and maybe flirting and I remember she had lots of friends there that knew her and her girlfriend and she pretty much left me there and I couldn't understand why. The next day at work she came looking happy to see me and wanting to see if I was ok and explained that I was getting a bit close and she didn't want to give me the wrong idea on the dance floor. It really embarrassed me my behaviour and I apologised but she said it was fine. She also was worried if her gf had walked in and seen that but I really don't think what I was doing was that bad. I kind of want to crawl under a rock! I know I am an attractive girl and she has likened me to her gf so it's not like she is repulsed by me. I just worry she is going to be thinking I am not going to be able to control myself around her whilst I am drinking.

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