Tuesday, July 19, 2011

My 3 year old is getting his front teeth pulled in 1 week help!?

my son has had asthma since he was born and been on a nebalizer sinc 8 months old they rotted his teeth in the front(wanst told to wash his mouth out after each treatment until it was to late) AND HE is on other medications that just plain isnt good for teeth well he has a baby root canel and has porclin teeth put in and the ablity of the root canel working is very slim compared to a adult root canel its been 3 months and he still has infection and was told to remove his 2 front teeth it was hard making it threw the baby root canel and alot os $$$ as well the 1000.00 porclin teeth now have to be pulled and more money. but my main concern is the pain im scared for him he is getting the loopy drink and he was soooooo tramatized threw the root canel and i wasnt allowed in the room. im scared he will be made fun of for his front teeth appernce. and scared he will be in pain and be confused im not sure what to think. but his appointment is for 7./12/11 and he has to have it done or it will effect his other teeth im very bad at worrie everything little turns in to death to me please help me claim downplease n thanks and how did u child react to this?

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