Saturday, July 16, 2011

Having a hard time finding a reason to live?

people get told of my mental disability, (which I didn't have at birth) and they automatically dislike me and make fun of me. my family is hostile, my parents keep arguing with each other and my mother should be put behind bars, she screams, swears, screams non-stop and at random, we are public-enemy number one according to our neighbours (I am willing to kill her myself the next time she raises her voice) and I am afraid of inviting people over because of her behavior. I have gone through 12 years of schooling and not had one friend at all, never been invited to parties/pubs/night clubs, etc. My younger sister probably has a boyfriend before I even get a girlfriend. I do not have a drivers license. i cant find a job anywhere even though I keep trying every single day, they do not have positions available. I am really struggling to cope with a slow and miserable life I am forced to endure.

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