Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How to stop liken someone?

Rite here goes I have noin this guy for about a year or so, at the start I didn’t really like him was a bit of a D*** he didn’t do anything to me but just came across a bit of a player. So I didn’t really talk to him much and didn’t return his txts etc, now a few months on, I decided to give him a chance and have now met him a few times. I really like him a lot and I am so comfortable with him even though I have only noin him for a short time. I feal there is a lot more to him than my original first impression, The dilemma is I have had bad past experience with males and now that I feel myself getting close to this person I am getting worried incase I get hurt already and worrying about that at this early stage is worrying enough. I no he likes me a lot as he has told me this, but I think he is seeing other ppl ( which is totally fine because its just a few dates we have been on) but I am starting to feel myself wondering now about who hes with and who else he mite be seing. I didn’t consider myself a jealous person but all of this has sort of came on my out of the blue. Is a couple of nites of fuzzy love worth the lingering feeling of the green eyed monster?? My last relationship has just finished after 6 years and it had a lot of ups and downs including unfaithfulness which has obviously affected me. Will this every go away? should i try to stop liken him? Sometimes I don’t even feel like its worth it...

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