Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Does this guy like me..?

so, theres this guy i kinda liken now and hes my neighbor!! heheh. but idk if he likes me..i mean weve have hung oout the past few weeks and ive been to his house and hes been to mine and like he was swinging me on the swing and stuff..and i was like look at that woman she looks frumpy and he was like so do u! and i gave him a look and he was like im just kidding! can i know if hes in to me..? like any signs?!! (:

24 Gold Coins.......?

I think you are trying to say Time is gold and 24 gold means 24 hour. But because I cant speak english very well, so I can't explain it correctly.

Are brits treated better than israelis in the USA ?

when a brit comes to the USA , people tell him how much they love his country and how proud they are to be thier allies . but when israeli comes all he gets is "I dont like what you do to the palestinians but I dont blame you . I just dislike your country" cuz thats what most americans think . they have a sympathy for the palestinians and therefor dislike israel . so , should I as an israeli go there ? or should I go to a different country cuz brits get a better treatment in the USA ?

Severe fear of people and I don't know what to do anymore?

Ok so I have a severe and crippling fear of people. I don't ever leave the house except when I am forced to by my parents. I honestly don't know whats wrong with me. I've been to multiple therapists who assume I have Social Phobia but I don't think I do. My problem isn't really with talking to people its with being around them. If I am around other people or even just one person I have really bad panic attacks. If I'm sitting in the car in a parking lot and I see someone walk by I have a panic attack. They don't even have to be near the car. Even if I don't see the people but I know someone is there like in another room I have panic attacks. I can't talk on the phone for the same reasons. While currently writing this I'm starting to feel the beginning effects of panic attacks. I could just be sitting at home but if I even think about something involving human contact I freak out. I'm at the end of my rope with what to do. While I've gone to therapy I can never last more than 4 sessions before I can't force myself to endure the fear any longer. Every time I go it gets harder not easier. So I can't go to therapy. I'm miserable and it sucks. I can't get a job for the obvious reasons and I can't move out. I'm 20 soon to be 21 and still living with my parents but I need to get out of here but I don't know how. I have no way to make money. While being with my family when around others used to make me a little more comfortable, now Its getting to the point where I don't want to be around my family because I'm becoming more uncomfortable. I don't know whats wrong with me or what to do but I need help and don't know how to get it. So if you can offer suggestions I would seriously appreciate it. I just can't take this and the constant fear anymore.

Please help me write a poetry ?

Around the world ,even here in the united states, environmental devastation is often felt most by the poorest people . Environmental justice is the fair treatment of people of all races ,cultures,incomes and educational levels with respect to the creation and enforcement of environmental laws and policies. Are there things we can all do to help create a just environment ? What does environmental injustice say about us ?

Theists: God like experiences? [Interesting information for atheists too]?

Your talking to people who think that evolution is false, even though you can go to the National History Museum and see the skulls of the apes that lead up to humans. I don't think that your science will sway their faith.

Please I need advice...?

Since I was a child, I never wanted to be a girl. In fact for many years, I thought that I could choose to grow up to be a man. As time went on I guess I realized I was a female and that's just how life would be. However, throughout my preteen and teenage years, I never stopped imagining my life as a male. I couldn't stand being female. I didn't really tell my friends, or anyone. I thought that my feelings would change if I got a boyfriend, which I did when I entered high school. I eventually found out about people who were living their lives as the opposite gender they were born as. I considered this, but I knew it would be devastating to my family. Although I wasn't content with the relationship with my boyfriend ( I felt I wouldn't be content with any relationship if I were female), I have continued to stay with him to this day, to try to ignore my feelings. I did once or twice express my feelings to my boyfriend, but he always brushed it off as if it was just me having weird thoughts. Now I am a senior in college. There has not been one day that I don't feel miserable over what I am. Every night I take a walk to think things over and consider what I want. If I didn't do this, I don't think I could endure another day. I finally decided to stay as I am to please those around me. However, since I've made this decision, I feel even more depressed. I feel like my mind and body don't match up and I'd rather just die than keep living like this. This is miserable and I feel selfish for wanting to be a male. I feel like a horrible child to my parents, I feel like a horrible sibling, and a horrible friend, even though none of them know. So, this is selfish of me, right? To want this? I should push through and be happy for them, right?